Dia de tempestade - Stormy day
Aconteceu esta semana um dia daqueles em que não se pode sair à rua, porque senão saimos magoados :) tal era a quantidade de granizo e o tamanho deste... Sorte a minha que tinha a camara comigo e pude tirar umas fotos do evento.
Senão vejam as fotos na Universidade
This weekend happened a day that you just cant go out on the streets, or you could really get hurt, because of the amount of hail that fell down and the size of it... Lucky me that i had my camera with me, so i could take some pics...
Look at the pics...
Senão vejam as fotos na Universidade
This weekend happened a day that you just cant go out on the streets, or you could really get hurt, because of the amount of hail that fell down and the size of it... Lucky me that i had my camera with me, so i could take some pics...
Look at the pics...
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